Social Media Research to Capture 25% or more of MR budgets by 2012. Or Not.

-3. Social Media Research to Capture 25% or more of MR budgets by 2012. It had actually been hovering around positive 3 and 4, then came down! Does this mean more people really think SMR will not take off? Or that clients will use free/low-cost tools such that it won’t take up much budget?

Vote on the Best & Worst Market Research Industry Predictions

To support this, I have set up an IdeaScale voting site titled, “Market Research Predictions Site.”

I have started by posting 9 of my predictions (though I confess, one is there to stimulate debate, and not because I actually believe it myself). You can vote on mine, and add your own (which others can then vote on).

My Totally Unofficial, Brutally Honest 2010 TMRE Awards

Best Speaker: Dawn Lacallade from ComBlu. For content, delivery style and just being so refreshingly honest.

Most (delightfully) unexpected content: Kelley Styring’s presentation on the One-armed Dove Hunt, which is a core piece of research for her current project, “The One-handed World.”

Most amusing: This award goes to the Shopping Track. Apparently, research on shoppers is a rather slippery topic; I heard contradictory data from 3 Shopper Track speakers. I won’t name names. But I sat in on 3 sessions…

Check Out The AMA’s 2010 Market Research Conference

The AMA’s 2010 Market Research conference is coming soon (September 26-28). I will be there, and encourage anyone interested in educational and peer networking opportunities to join me. Great Keynote… Continue reading Check Out The AMA’s 2010 Market Research Conference

Market Segmentation for Saving Money, and Making Money

Market segmentation is all about sales and marketing ROI. The premise is that to maximize success with a large population of customers, it is best to divide it into logical subgroups. By dividing one large, generalized market into subgroups, you can fine-tune your product, messaging, promotional, distribution and related strategies to meet the specific needs of unique customer groups.

YouTube Preview of Online Market Research Training

Have you been waiting to take a Research Rockstar class, but just not yet gotten around to it?

Maybe it would help if you could see what an online class looks like. So here’s a video:

Conducting Online Surveys Using Online Research Panels

If you are considering using an online panel for an upcoming project, and want some tips on how to manage this important resource, please check out the new white paper on online panels.

Free Market Research Seminars

Some of our online market research classes have been updated, and we need feedback! We’ll be testing the content by offering in-person seminars in Massachusetts. So here’s the deal: attend a free market research seminar, and all we ask in return is that you provide feedback.

The following topics are being scheduled:

DIY Research Article a Marketing Research Association Winner!

Great news! My article on DIY research “Why It’s Good for Everyone” won the counterpoint contest recently run by the MRA’s Alert! Magazine. The article is reprinted in the MRA… Continue reading DIY Research Article a Marketing Research Association Winner!

Great Market Research Blogs: Part 1

Blogs tend to be a little less filtered, and a little more honest, than traditional magazines and newsletters. And that is exactly why I like to read them. In the market research space, there is no shortage of blogs. But I do find myself regularly checking these 5 (I’ll post a part 2 on other faves next week). MR Heretic’s “Market Research Death Watch blog.” First, I just love the word “heretic.”