What Training Topic Should Research Rockstar Cover Next? Help pick our next class

What Training Topic Should Research Rockstar Cover Next? Market Research Training classes being planned.

Marketing Research Insights: 22 Visual Displays

A market research report that consists of 100 bar charts and pie charts is boring. And while I’d love to think market research has some socially beneficial aspects, curing insomnia is not what I have in mind.

New Look, New Features

Research Rockstar now offers Membership programs.

Customer Interview Projects with In-House Staff: Rewards & Risks

If you’re thinking about having non-researchers help out with customer interviews, it is certainly viable. And has some real benefits. But watch out for these common roadblocks.

Why Won’t They Read the @#%! Research Report?!

You’ve just spent weeks, maybe months, executing a great primary market research project. buy amoxicillin online amoxicillin no prescription You created a final report that just sings (insert angel chorus… Continue reading Why Won’t They Read the @#%! Research Report?!