8 Qualitative Market Research Methods For Your 2018 Projects

Qualitative data is hot! How do I know? Because every week I talk to dozens of research and insights professionals while teaching Research Rockstar courses.  And the topic has been… Continue reading 8 Qualitative Market Research Methods For Your 2018 Projects

Be Your Client’s Best Resource

Always top-of-mind for us here at Research Rockstar is thinking about how to best equip you with the tools you need to be the best resource for your clients when… Continue reading Be Your Client’s Best Resource

Creating Magic Moments with Qualitative Research

Female hand using a magical wand. Digital illustration.

Remember the old but classic awkward first date story about the person who goes on a blind date and hears “Enough about me, what do you think about me?” from… Continue reading Creating Magic Moments with Qualitative Research

Observe, Ask, Analyze — Enhance Your Qualitative Research Skills

Happy New Year! As we kick off 2017, the focus for many of us is on renewal and growth. Consider how many “New Year, New You” advertisements you see in… Continue reading Observe, Ask, Analyze — Enhance Your Qualitative Research Skills

Quant versus Qual: No longer meaningful?

Are the categories of quantitative and qualitative research still meaningful?

Many market researchers refer to the categories of quantitative and qualitative methods when describing our profession. Some specialize in one or the other, some equally cover both. It’s a perfectly fine categorization that is universally used.

But is it time for a refresh? Our profession has changed in recent years; shouldn’t our way of defining it?

“Mission: Possible”: A Structured Approach to Qualitative Analysis

Structured analysis also minimizes the risk of researcher bias. Don’t think it exists? There are actually several known forms of researcher bias, including Positive Bias and Inattentional Blindness.

Our recommendation is to use both approaches. Using both an unstructured and a structured approach…

Rockin’ and Research. More alike than you think.

Close your eyes. Imagine you’re on stage, your instrument in hand, set list and lyrics engraved on your heart, hearing the howl of the crowd as the lights come up and the fans go wild. Pure energy feeding your adrenalin, pumping through your veins and helping you….
Okay, so maybe a market research presentation isn’t exactly the same as living that dream we all had as kids. But you’re still stepping into the spotlight, putting expertise and passion into a show you hope will leave them blissed with satisfaction and hungry for more.

We Have a (Market Research Training) Winner!

We are thrilled to announce that the two winners of our 2015 VIP Pass Giveaway are….

MIT-inspired Market Research Possibilities

Do big tech changes mean big market research changes?

The MIT Technology Review recently published “Breakthrough Technologies 2015,” a fun and inspiring list, including some items with market research implications. Let’s take a quick look at that subset, and see how it could be leveraged for improving market research or creating research opportunities.

It’s Opening Night for Your Qualitative Data: Is it Ready to be a Star?

What’s your preferred approach to analyzing qualitative information from focus groups and in-depth interviews (IDIs)? An unstructured approach? Or a structured approach? It’s a reasonable debate. What’s not a rational… Continue reading It’s Opening Night for Your Qualitative Data: Is it Ready to be a Star?