Survey Template: Gauging Brand Perception

What does your target market think of your brand? buy flexeril online buy flexeril no prescription generic How does your target market perceive your brand as compared to your competitors’… Continue reading Survey Template: Gauging Brand Perception

Market Research Strategies: Summertime Activity for Survey Writers

With the summer season upon us, along comes a most welcomed relief for many market research project managers. The workload slows and creates a great opportunity to take care of… Continue reading Market Research Strategies: Summertime Activity for Survey Writers

Market Research Myopia: What the Industry Isn’t Seeing in its Own Research

“Market research firm releases pet ownership study: Forgets to survey people who own cats.”

Can you imagine? Conducting a study on a topic, and forgetting to include participants who represent a large percent of the market?

It happens all too often. And we cannot blame the DIY researchers. I have met the enemy, as the saying goes, and it is us.

Three Common Survey Design Mistakes You Can Avoid

We all know what the most common survey design mistakes are: having surveys that are too long, too onerous, or that have questions that are leading or biased in some… Continue reading Three Common Survey Design Mistakes You Can Avoid

Survey Design 2011: NEW REALITY, NEW RULES

Let’s get a few facts on the table, shall we? We all have non-researcher friends, colleagues and acquaintances who are writing their own online surveys using one of the many… Continue reading Survey Design 2011: NEW REALITY, NEW RULES

Please Take My Survey: Getting People to Accept Your Invitation

Once you have taken the time to craft a fantastic questionnaire, the challenge becomes: how do you get people to actually take it? Of course, having a great list (or… Continue reading Please Take My Survey: Getting People to Accept Your Invitation

QuestionPro? AYTM? SurveyGizmo? Zoomerang?

We get a lot of questions from people evaluating online survey platforms. And given that there are now more than 50 options available (see partial list at the end of this article), it is a bit confusing. Before you start evaluating options, consider these checklist items:

Online Survey Ads S*ck

Online surveys are often treated as guilty, until proven innocent. The onus is on the researcher to assure the client (internal or external) that the research design is sound, the sample source is authentic, the data analysis thorough, and the deliverables error-free.

Conducting Online Surveys Using Online Research Panels

If you are considering using an online panel for an upcoming project, and want some tips on how to manage this important resource, please check out the new white paper on online panels.

5 Things You Need to Know About Online Research Panels

Online surveys and research panels go together like…well, milk and cookies. If they are both high-quality, yummy snack. If either is poor quality, the experience is ruined.

These days, there is a lot of awareness of online panel quality issues. So what does a market research buyer need to know?

Here are 5 things you need to be aware of to find the best panel sources for your needs, and mitigate potential risks. Why is this so important? Because panel quality varies. A lot. You can’t assume all research panels are the same.