2010 Market Research Conferences: Do In-Person Events Still Matter?

The US 2010 Market Research conference season will be starting soon. Luckily, this year they are a bit more spread out than last year.

The MRA’s big conference will be in Boston in June.

The AMA’s annual Market Research Conference will be in Atlanta in September.

And IIR’s The Market Research Event will be in San Diego in November.

I can hear the sighs of anticipated exhaustion already. Travel, sessions, expense reports. And the dreaded, overflowing inbox that faces you upon returning to work the next week.

Besides, we have to ask ourselves: do in-person events matter anymore? Look, I am in the business of online training—I LOVE online content. But I do believe that there is still a place for in-person events as well. And here is why:

Draw Them A Map: Preparing Market Research Newbies For Quant

If you need to set expectations with colleagues about the quantitative market research process, here you go (see bottom of post): the key steps layed out in a simple flowchart.

I have used this diagram to walk market research newbies through the process many times, and it always gets rave reviews. While the chart is pretty self-explanatory, a few items are worth pointing out…

Tying Market Research to the Whipping Post

…given a choice between having a disciplined approach to discovering and measuring customer attitudes and behaviors versus taking wild-ass guesses? I’ll take a market research approach 95% of the time.

Market Research Training Options

Online Training for market research? Yes! But for some learners, in-person training is also a good option. Resources listed here.

Your Opinions Wanted!

Which topics you would like to see produced as Research Rockstar online courses?

Why Won’t They Read the @#%! Research Report?!

You’ve just spent weeks, maybe months, executing a great primary market research project. buy amoxicillin online amoxicillin no prescription You created a final report that just sings (insert angel chorus… Continue reading Why Won’t They Read the @#%! Research Report?!

Welcome To Research Rockstar!

This marks the official launch of Research RockStar.  My goal is simple: to deliver  How-To’s and Best Practices to busy professionals seeking Market Research excellence. The content of this site… Continue reading Welcome To Research Rockstar!