A Sample Survey Invitation

Stumped trying to write a survey invitation? Here’s a great example to get you started.

[New Article Synopsis] Current Thinking on Scale Labeling

Article Synopsis: Should I label all scale points or just the end points for attitudinal questions? E-Journal Survey Practice By Aaron Maitland Written by Research Rockstar intern Sarah Stites Experienced… Continue reading [New Article Synopsis] Current Thinking on Scale Labeling

Article Synopsis: “The Impact of Survey Duration on Completion Rates Among Millennial Respondents”

After the duration of a survey surpassed the fifteen minute mark, roughly one in ten participants gave up. Moving toward twenty minutes, around 25 percent of participants abandoned the survey.

Excel Versus SPSS? It’s Closer Than You Think

What if Excel could do 80% of the data analysis tasks that you use SPSS for?

If you haven’t looked at Excel as a survey data analysis tool in a while, look again. Better still, come take our brand new, one-of-a-kind class: Excel for Market Research Data Analysis. This 4-week program starts with pivot tables, covers t-test and chi-square tests, and continues up to and including regression. All in Excel.

Quant versus Qual: No longer meaningful?

Are the categories of quantitative and qualitative research still meaningful?

Many market researchers refer to the categories of quantitative and qualitative methods when describing our profession. Some specialize in one or the other, some equally cover both. It’s a perfectly fine categorization that is universally used.

But is it time for a refresh? Our profession has changed in recent years; shouldn’t our way of defining it?

Cleaning the Clutter for Market Research Impact

by Debra Mascott, Director of eLearning Curriculum, Research Rockstar, LLC This summer I tackled an arduous task: cleaning out my garage. I found no shortage of baskets, boxes, barrels, half-empty… Continue reading Cleaning the Clutter for Market Research Impact

Rockin’ and Research. More alike than you think.

Close your eyes. Imagine you’re on stage, your instrument in hand, set list and lyrics engraved on your heart, hearing the howl of the crowd as the lights come up and the fans go wild. Pure energy feeding your adrenalin, pumping through your veins and helping you….
Okay, so maybe a market research presentation isn’t exactly the same as living that dream we all had as kids. But you’re still stepping into the spotlight, putting expertise and passion into a show you hope will leave them blissed with satisfaction and hungry for more.

[New Article] Is it Time to Redefine Quantitative Research?

As simplistic as it is, market research is often defined as either “qualitative” or “quantitative.” In conversational use, most researchers use and define these categories fairly similarly. But this is changing. While “qualitative” use and meaning is fairly consistent, we are seeing a notable fragmentation in what the phrase “quantitative research” means to market research practitioners and related professionals.

Rockstar Learning in San Diego

We are thrilled to announce that Research Rockstar has been selected to deliver 3 classes at the June ISC conference in San Diego. Three Research Rockstar instructors will be on-site delivering these classes, including Greg Timpany, Chris Barnes, Kathryn Korostoff, and Namika Sagara.

We Have a (Market Research Training) Winner!

We are thrilled to announce that the two winners of our 2015 VIP Pass Giveaway are….