How Will WFH Trends Impact Market Research & Insights Work in 2022?

The Work from Home (WFH) boom has impacted Market Researchers from two very different angles: first as employees/workers ourselves, and second as research methodologists. In this episode, the discussion tackles… Continue reading How Will WFH Trends Impact Market Research & Insights Work in 2022?

Do Business Execs Trust Your Methodology Recommendations?

As market researchers, we are often asked to recommend methodologies that answer specific business needs. In the old days, we would often default to the tried and true: surveys, focus… Continue reading Do Business Execs Trust Your Methodology Recommendations?

Market Research & Lost Mojo: Article Synopsis

Andrew Reid, son of Market Research luminary Angus Reid, says Market Research has “lost its mojo.” In a new article published in Entrepreneur Magazine, Reid states, “In the early 2000s, with the increased use of email, the internet, mobile phones and social media, many companies transformed their way of doing business, but market research companies did not.”