Insights Democratization: Breaking Down Silos, Building Up Data-Driven Decision Making

As a Market Research & Insights professional, you have likely heard the term “insights democratization.” Going back to its use in 2016 in a speech given by Ray Poynter, the… Continue reading Insights Democratization: Breaking Down Silos, Building Up Data-Driven Decision Making

Do Business Execs Trust Your Methodology Recommendations?

As market researchers, we are often asked to recommend methodologies that answer specific business needs. In the old days, we would often default to the tried and true: surveys, focus… Continue reading Do Business Execs Trust Your Methodology Recommendations?

This Ain’t Grandma’s Research: Presented by Kathryn Korostoff at Quirk’s Brooklyn Wednesday March 4th

Wednesday, March 4th, 3:15: join Kathryn Korostoff’s session for a lively and brutally honest conversations about choosing between traditional primary research methods, transactional data, online behavioral data, passive data, social data… Continue reading This Ain’t Grandma’s Research: Presented by Kathryn Korostoff at Quirk’s Brooklyn Wednesday March 4th