[Video & Tips] Market Research Software: Trial or Pilot Test?

Have you been intending to trial or pilot new market research tools, but just been too busy? In my most recent YouTube broadcast, I share some practical tips for conducting trials and pilot tests… Continue reading [Video & Tips] Market Research Software: Trial or Pilot Test?

Market Research & Lost Mojo: Article Synopsis

Andrew Reid, son of Market Research luminary Angus Reid, says Market Research has “lost its mojo.” In a new article published in Entrepreneur Magazine, Reid states, “In the early 2000s, with the increased use of email, the internet, mobile phones and social media, many companies transformed their way of doing business, but market research companies did not.”

3 Tips to Avoid Bad Market Research Software Purchases

Market research software comes in many forms these days: survey programming, data analysis, text analytics, and social media analysis are among the most common.

The good news for buyers is that many firms offer monthly options—helping you, the buyer, mitigate risks. There is no need to get “married”; you can just live together and part ways amicably when the mood strikes…