Last Call for Camp Rockstar: 10 Summer Classes, One Price

Camp starts July 1st and runs through August 31st. Pick as many of the ten instructor-led virtual classroom experiences as you like, for one fixed price! These are live classes taught be expert researchers.

Rockin’ and Research. More alike than you think.

Close your eyes. Imagine you’re on stage, your instrument in hand, set list and lyrics engraved on your heart, hearing the howl of the crowd as the lights come up and the fans go wild. Pure energy feeding your adrenalin, pumping through your veins and helping you….
Okay, so maybe a market research presentation isn’t exactly the same as living that dream we all had as kids. But you’re still stepping into the spotlight, putting expertise and passion into a show you hope will leave them blissed with satisfaction and hungry for more.

San Diego or Waltham: Your Choice

Join your fellow research rockstars for education and networking opportunities!

Whether you are east coast or west, there are excellent upcoming choices!

Rockstar Learning in San Diego

We are thrilled to announce that Research Rockstar has been selected to deliver 3 classes at the June ISC conference in San Diego. Three Research Rockstar instructors will be on-site delivering these classes, including Greg Timpany, Chris Barnes, Kathryn Korostoff, and Namika Sagara.

Want Expert Market Research Help?

Whether you need help for an hour, a day or an entire project, we can connect you with our pool of 110+ Research Rockstars. These are market research professionals with various areas of expertise. Our Rent-a-Researcher clients enjoy the flexibility of being able to temporarily extend their staff with the exact skills they need.

Announcing Two Brand New Classes: Infographics & Video Research

Check out these two new market research classes from Research Rockstar!

We Have a (Market Research Training) Winner!

We are thrilled to announce that the two winners of our 2015 VIP Pass Giveaway are….

Favorite Market Research Blogs for Research Rockstars

The beauty of blogging is that it is inexpensive: anyone with a passion and a computer can host a blog. Of course, that also means quality varies…a lot. Let us… Continue reading Favorite Market Research Blogs for Research Rockstars

Research Rockstar Announces 12-month Training Passes, Celebrates with Market Research Training Giveaway

Market Researchers interested in professional training can now purchase VIP passes to get twelve months of unlimited training in either qualitative or quantitative research. Research Rockstar’s new VIP Passes provide skill seekers, a pay-once-get-many training option.

High Heels & eLearning Lessons


As an eLearning designer at Research Rockstar, I am using my past experience as classroom trainer to make sure our materials appeal to diverse learners—including those who may be more accustomed to learning market research via in-person training formats.