Are Market Researchers Creating the Functional Equivalent of genetically modified food?

Market research studies often capture and measure attitudes and behaviors, as if they could all be sorted into neat packages. We carefully structure our questions, and in the case of survey research, even our answers. We use quotas, we use weighting. But are we creating the functional equivalent of genetically modified food?

Steroids, Social Media, Barry Bonds, and Market Research: How do they all connect?

If leveraged properly, this evolution of social media can be a gold mine for market researchers. Mike Moran, in his article titled Will social media listening replace market research?, delves into the impact social media is having on market research. In the end, he answers his title’s question…

Principles of Remarkable Research: Bonus Article

It is a classic dilemma; many companies that are selling in numerous countries can only afford to do research in a subset of them. How does a market researcher deliver research with this obstacle?

What Remarkable Market Research Has In Common With Tiny Sea Creatures

Remarkable Researchers understand that markets change—sometimes quickly. And often more quickly than do companies. The implication for remarkable research is twofold:

Principles of Remarkable Research: Part 19 of 20

Remarkable research distinguishes between conclusions, hypotheses, and “directional” results—and is precise about which is which.

While it may seem obvious to you as a market researcher, it is not always clear to the audience. The person receiving the research results often makes assumptions, which may be incorrect

Principles of Remarkable Research: Part 18 of 20

Sure, the fresh insights from your thoughtfully executed project are great—but they will carry more power if they are supported by additional sources. Your audience will have much more confidence…

Principles of Remarkable Research: Part 17 of 20

Embrace Crowdsourcing As A Market Research Option Two categories of software tools are available to turn crowdsourcing into a practical market research option: idea management platforms and prediction markets. While… Continue reading Principles of Remarkable Research: Part 17 of 20

Principles of Remarkable Research: Part 16 of 20

Principles of Remarkable Research: Part 15 of 20

Sometimes this means that the remarkable researcher has to be tough. You may have to say “no,” diplomatically of course, to the client who wants too much from a single market research project.

Principles of Remarkable Research: Part 14 of 20

Remarkable Research Can Result in the Potential for Remarkable Publicity Fresh research is excellent fodder for press releases. The media love pretty charts, cool graphs (especially when they come with… Continue reading Principles of Remarkable Research: Part 14 of 20