Does Online Panel Quality S*ck?

A huge topic for Market Research & Insights professionals is data quality, and in most cases, a key component of survey research data quality is driven by sample quality. The… Continue reading Does Online Panel Quality S*ck?

Social Media Research Options: Taste Testing The Future of Research

If you throw “social media” and “market research” into a blender, what do you get? It depends on the exact recipe you select. The good news is that whatever you decide to try first, you can start with some free samples.

Customer Survey or non-Customer Survey? Tips for Market Research Success

When conducting survey projects, should you survey your own customer base (people who actually by from your company), or non-customers? Or both?

After all, you may very well have a list of customers that would be convenient for you to use for your survey project. But is that a wise choice? Maybe, maybe not.