How Can Market Research Managers Keep their Employees Motivated?

by Debra Mascott, Director of eLearning Curriculum, Research Rockstar, LLC Finding great market research employees is hard enough. But once you have them, how do you keep them motivated? Significant… Continue reading How Can Market Research Managers Keep their Employees Motivated?

Why New Employee Training Plan is Important

In the business world, onboarding plans often include human resource policies, safety procedures, financial options, and yes, training.

MicroLearning and Dining Room Chairs

by Debra Mascott, Director of eLearning Curriculum, Research Rockstar, LLC Last spring I was inspired to re-upholster my six dining room chairs. It’s not rocket science, so I made a… Continue reading MicroLearning and Dining Room Chairs

High Heels & eLearning Lessons


As an eLearning designer at Research Rockstar, I am using my past experience as classroom trainer to make sure our materials appeal to diverse learners—including those who may be more accustomed to learning market research via in-person training formats.

Recipe for eLearning: A Letter from Research Rockstar’s Director of eLearning Curriculum

President, Kathryn Korostoff, was clear: it was time to raise the bar on self-paced learning for the market research industry. She gave me a mission: continue delivering the same high-quality content while improving student comprehension and retention. Oh, and keep it fun.

I knew this would be harder than “just add water.” Still, at least I had a library of existing, great content with which to work, and for eLearning developers like myself, that’s not always the case.

To get started,…

Best Market Research Articles of 2013: Fourth in a Series of 10

Based on the responses of the event’s participants, big data seems to pick up where market research leaves off, and vice versa. One speaker, Justin Sampson, chief executive of Barb, noted that big data fails to understand the context, and the social nature, of life. Market research can fill that void.

Best Market Research Articles of 2013: Third in a Series of 10

Have you ever bought something because all of your friends had it? While we may be loath to admit it, our actions are swayed by friends, groups, and the public. Perhaps even more so than what we realize. Because of this reality, the authors of “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” argue that market researchers need to go beyond the individual to truly understand consumer behaviors. The authors state that two particular theories should be used more in research to explore the dynamics of influence.

Best Market Research Articles of 2013: Second in a Series of 10

Article Synopsis: Think about eBay, Amazon, and Angie’s List—all public, continuous sources of ratings. Moran cites a survey conducted by FTI Consulting which found that over 50% of respondents give a “great deal of consideration to online reviews from other consumers on sites…”

Daniel Kahneman’s “Thinking, Fast and Slow”: Lasting Impact on Market Researchers

For me, as a market researcher, I found the book both inspirational and practical. Its many examples lend credibility to its conclusions, and I have found myself referring to the cited experiments on many occasions. My copy’s pages are dog-eared and covered in notes. If you haven’t had a chance to read it yet, here are some reviews, as summarized by Research Rockstar intern Audra Kohler.