The Quirk’s Event, 2016

There are four 4-hour workshops to choose from (topic details below). Each one begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m., with a one-and-a-half hour lunch break. Sign up NOW for the Quirk’s Event 2016. To ensure the highest-quality learning experience, class size is limited.

“Mission: Possible”: A Structured Approach to Qualitative Analysis

Structured analysis also minimizes the risk of researcher bias. Don’t think it exists? There are actually several known forms of researcher bias, including Positive Bias and Inattentional Blindness.

Our recommendation is to use both approaches. Using both an unstructured and a structured approach…

[New Article] Is it Time to Redefine Quantitative Research?

As simplistic as it is, market research is often defined as either “qualitative” or “quantitative.” In conversational use, most researchers use and define these categories fairly similarly. But this is changing. While “qualitative” use and meaning is fairly consistent, we are seeing a notable fragmentation in what the phrase “quantitative research” means to market research practitioners and related professionals.

Spring Training for Market Researchers

March and April market research training classes.

3 of 17 Time Management Tips for Market Researchers

A recurring challenge I hear from Research Rockstar students is that of time management. Too often, deadlines converge, fires erupt, or clients “need it yesterday.” So based on my 25 years of market research reality, I have put together 17 time management tips. You can download the full eBook…

New Shoes & the Discipline of Insight Creation

Part of being a good market researcher is the ability to determine when the research conclusions we start to draw reflect reality, and when they’re only coincidences. A few shiny… Continue reading New Shoes & the Discipline of Insight Creation

When Skimping on Market Research Fails: 5 Cheap Moves That Will Ruin Your Research

Never skimp on budget for:

* Quality sample. Having quality sample is critical. Avoid sources that can’t talk credibly about their recruitment tactics or list sources. You don’t want to bake a cake with spoiled eggs.
* Sufficient sample quantity. If you…

Confessions of a Market Researcher: The Day I Beat My Data to Death

The day I beat my data to death: I poked it, pulled it, pummeled it. I sliced, slashed and skewered it. I tore it up into a thousand pieces and glued it back together into a Frankenstein mess. I abandoned it. I restarted from scratch. Seven times. I created 43 new variables, each of them a total waste. It wasn’t analysis any more; it was an act of violence.