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Summertime basics: sunscreen, hat, cooler, and market research training.

Wait, what?

Let me explain.

Summertime basics are all about things you can’t do without to survive the summer season.

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For everyone they are different and could include anything from air conditioning to ice cream sundaes. For researchers, your summertime basics that you can’t live without include project planning for the fall and winter, checking your progress against midyear goals, and ensuring your research training (and the training of your team or staff) is up to speed.

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Summer is often a time to stop briefly and take stock of how the year has progressed thus far, and with many clients on vacation it’s a perfect time for that assessment. A lot of hiring also happens during the summer months, paced specifically so that onboarding can occur during the summer before the fall projects begin.

If you’re onboarding staff, new to research, and/or seeking to establish a common set of knowledge across a team, we have two classes coming up late summer that provide that foundational knowledge: Market Research 101 and Social Media Meets Market Research.

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Market Research 101 is fun, fast-paced, and perfect to help you, your team, or new hires hit the ground running quickly. This 4-week power program includes an introduction to market research jargon, a comprehensive overview of both qualitative and quantitative methods, a discussion of common research applications, and dispelling some market research myths.

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Our Social Media Meets Market Research course teaches students the basics of how social media can be used as a market research resource. In this live, instructor-led class, you receive an intro to social media monitoring, social sample sources and more, and a practical perspective on how you can use social media in your market research projects.

Remember, our classes are taught live, online, and led by an instructor. Everyone is logging in remotely, so who’s to say your remote location isn’t a lounge chair overlooking the pool!



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