Rockstar Learning in San Diego

We are thrilled to announce that Research Rockstar has been selected to deliver 3 classes at the June ISC conference in San Diego. Three Research Rockstar instructors will be on-site delivering these classes, including Greg Timpany, Chris Barnes, Kathryn Korostoff, and Namika Sagara.

Research Rockstar Announces 12-month Training Passes, Celebrates with Market Research Training Giveaway

Market Researchers interested in professional training can now purchase VIP passes to get twelve months of unlimited training in either qualitative or quantitative research. Research Rockstar’s new VIP Passes provide skill seekers, a pay-once-get-many training option.

Article Synopsis: Quantitative or Qualitative Research Methods, Let’s Go Back to the Basics

data, different statistical methods and models can give different readings. Gray states, “Causation requires correlation of some kind but correlation and causation are not the same.”

When looking at probabilities and categories, Gray cautions the researcher to, “Avoid confusing the possible with the plausible and the plausible with fact. It’s also not difficult, though, to miss something of genuine practical significance that lies hidden beneath…

Spring Training for Market Researchers

March and April market research training classes.