Build A Virtual Market Research Department in 30 Days

If you have been thinking about expanding your market research investments but still aren’t quite ready to build an in-house team, another option is to build a virtual one.

Market Research Project Disasters: Common Cause #1

Market Research Project Disasters: Common Cause #1

The Market Research Department: Much More Than Project Management

My premise is that one of the market research world’s greatest challenges is that market research departments spend 70% or more of their time on project management—as opposed to the strategic functions that would lead to more innovation.

How to Write a Market Research RFP

RFPs range widely in terms of their level of sophistication and complexity. If your need is for a simple project, do yourself a favor: keep your RFP simple. It will save you a lot of time when the proposals come back and you actually have to read them.

At minimum, a market research RFP states parameters and requests responses to the basics:

Size Matters: Is your market research right-sized?

Small market research projects have less risk. They get done quickly. Results get shared while they are still fresh. And conclusions can be communicated within the attention span of a busy recipient, so they actually get used.

Out-tasking Comes to Market Research: Why In-House vs Outsourced Is No Longer the Only Choice

Clients seeking to conduct a market research project typically choose one of two paths: do it in-house or outsource to a full-service market research agency. Pretty simple.

But now, a third option exists: out-tasking.