Want to Amp Up Your Survey Data Quality?

Could your survey data quality be improved by using mixed-mode
data collection?

What is mixed-mode data collection?

Mixed-mode data collection means combining different approaches, such as online, telephone, webcam, face-to-face, or paper-based modes to gather data from survey participants. The purpose of mixed-mode data collection is to improve response rates, data quality, and participant engagement by accommodating participants' preferences or reaching those who may not respond through a single mode. 

How do we decide if it is suitable for upcoming survey projects?

Honestly, it is a complex decision. Mixed-mode data collection can, in some cases, notably amp up survey data quality. But it can also require more time and budget to execute. For researchers surveying hard-to-find populations or for those who

are otherwise concerned about low response rates, it is often a valuable option.

Get the infographic.Instant download!

So to help you determine if mixed-mode data collection should be added to your team's survey research repertoire, we prepared a 1-page infographic summary of related experiments and articles from several excellent sources.

Should you be doing more with mixed-mode data collection? And if so, what risks should you be prepared to mitigate? The research includes pros & cons related to bias, representivity, and analysis complexity due to mode effects.

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