When Your Clients Asks for Conjoint or Discrete Choice Analysis

So, your client has asked you to do a study using conjoint. Or discrete choice. Or maybe even MaxDiff.

Maybe you’ve heard of these things, but never really seen examples or learned their relative pros and cons.

Here’s the thing: sometimes clients drop these phrases, but they don’t really know much about them either. They may have heard of them. They may have been told they are “useful.

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” But sometimes they need a reality check: are these indeed the right techniques for their actual information needs? Maybe. Maybe not.

Here’s what we recommend you learn so that you can help your client decide if conjoint or related techniques are a good option.

  • Know the difference between conjoint, discrete choice and MaxDiff.
  • Know the limitations of each (e.g., when not to use them).
  • Know the questionnaire design implications.
  • Know how to work with data analysts who may be doing the hands-on design and data analysis.
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As an example, let’s use a hypothetical case study that illustrates a common challenge.

You have a new client, Joe, who is the CMO of Alpha Dog Coffee.

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Joe tells you he needs data to help him prioritize features for a new online coffee delivery service. He has 15 possible service features, and wants to know which ones are “must haves” to maximize likely customer engagement. He also wants to gather another 25 variables of information about coffee buying and consumption behavior.

While it’s awesome that Joe has such precise requests, it’s just too much for a single online questionnaire. Few people (let alone highly-caffeinated ones) will take such a long online survey these days—and the combination of a conjoint or discrete choice exercise PLUS 25 additional items makes for one long questionnaire.

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This is a case where it may be best to offer Joe some options that will meet his needs while ensuring he gets high-quality data. After all, if Joe is going to be spending a likely $30,000 or more for this research, you want to be sure he gets great data.

In this fast-paced, 2-hour, instructor-led online course, students will learn how to avoid potential problems such as this and others. Knowing the basic concepts will ensure you can respond to client requests with confidence, and provide your clients with the right guidance. All for just $150 per student.

Sign up today for our online training course: Introduction to Conjoint Analysis. Class meets on December 7th.



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