“Life hack” Trends As Consumer Behavior Early Indicators?

Life hacks hit at the heart of innovation by finding those little frustrations that resonate with all of us and creating simple solutions to overcome them. They usually involve repurposing… Continue reading “Life hack” Trends As Consumer Behavior Early Indicators?

A New Type of Research Agency, Inspired by Stan Sthanunathan, Coca Cola VP of Global Insights

While Stan was presenting at the AMA’s Marketing Research Conference this week, he shared his view that for market research agencies to make the leap to being truly valuable to clients, they need to do more synthesis and make proactive recommendations. OK, coming from the guy who buys market research for Coca Cola, that sounds great. But is there broader demand for market researcers who can synthesize and be proactive?

The Market Research Department: Much More Than Project Management

My premise is that one of the market research world’s greatest challenges is that market research departments spend 70% or more of their time on project management—as opposed to the strategic functions that would lead to more innovation.

Grading Market Research Agency Websites

Do these websites matter? Aren’t they just electronic billboards?

I think they do matter. A lot of people who buy and use market research visit agency websites. And frankly, they are more likely to visit an agency site than that of a professional association (such as the MRA or CASRO) or of a trade publication (such as Quirk’s or Research Magazine). So these agency websites are, intentionally or not, a key source of client education.

Stale Research Alert: When Price Is The Only Difference

These days, there are innovators out there. Agencies using cooler tools, applying newer sample quality processes, and even offering new deliverables. Their methods may push you out of your comfort zone. Their proposals may be harder to read because they won’t be full of the same boilerplate you’ve been seeing for years.