Will This Sloppy, Boring, Error-ridden Market Research Report Do?

When consumers purchase a product, they expect to get what they paid for. This is also true when companies purchase market research; unfortunately some no longer receive the high-quality tangible product they paid for, at least according to Gill Wales (as stated in her article published on Research-Live.com titled Will This Do.)

Why you must train your market researchers

Imagine how your life would be if you could rely on your staff to:

Anticipate common project challenges
Specify effective project parameters….

You Spent 8 Hours Last Week Doing This? That Is Market Research Madness!

Last week, you spent eight hours editing your staff’s work for basic survey design errors, weak report writing, and simple chart blunders. Not a great use of your time, was it?

We Have a Winner! The Ultimate Market Research Training Give Away

Winning this drawing means that Teri can attend all of our 4-week Power Programs at no cost for the next 12 months. We are always adding new dates, and topics, so she will have lots of market research learning options

New Market Research Training Store Offers over 25 Popular Topics in a Variety of Online and On-site Formats

Research Rockstar celebrates new Online Market Research Training store opening with the Ultimate Market Research Training Give Away Drawing; Enter for a Chance to Win a Year of Market Research Training

New 4-Week Power Programs Coming This Spring!

Great news! Thanks to the fabulous client feedback we’ve been receiving, Research Rockstar has gone ahead and scheduled a whole new round of 4-Week Power Programs. Research Rockstar’s live, online,… Continue reading New 4-Week Power Programs Coming This Spring!

Research Rockstar Introduces New Market Research eLearning Classes

All classes meet in Research Rockstar’s virtual classroom. All single session classes are $249 per student. Upcoming topics: questionnaire design, survey scales, social media research, in-depth interview projects.

A Blatant Sales Pitch for Market Research Training

What better way to prepare for 2012 success than to plan for some training? Research Rockstar’s training options have been expanded, and now include 4 options: Online Training: Self-paced, Flash-based… Continue reading A Blatant Sales Pitch for Market Research Training

3 Quick Tips for 2012 Market Research Success

December can be a nice, calm month for market researchers. Typically a month with little data collection, few presentations and no travel, it’s an ideal time to do a little 2012 planning. Here are three tips to keep in mind:

Kathryn Korostoff to Present a Quirk’s Webinar: “Think Outside the Survey”

Kathryn Korostoff will be presenting a one-hour webinar on Thursday, December 15, 2011 at 12:00 pm (CST). This webinar is ideal for anyone interested in learning emerging market research techniques.

Think Outside the Survey: 14 methods to change how your colleagues and clients perceive market research